Intent Data

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What is Intent Data?

The definition of intent data is information that sheds light on the intentions, interests, and behavior of individuals or businesses. This data provides insights into the likelihood of a prospect taking a particular action, such as making a purchase, engaging with content, or seeking information about a product or service, and is of value to sales and marketing teams.


Intent data can help businesses and application developers understand the needs and preferences of their target customers and how to effectively engage with them, thereby tailoring their marketing and sales strategies.

Techopedia Explains the Meaning of Intent Data

Techopedia Explains the Meaning of Intent Data

Intent data can be gathered from various sources and channels, including analyzing website visits, monitoring social media conversations, or tracking search queries. Businesses can find meaning in intent data to identify trends and gain a competitive edge, prioritize promising leads, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their audience’s interests and needs.

How to Use Intent Data

Businesses need to collect relevant intent data from various sources and analyze the data to gain insights into their audience’s intentions and behavior. Based on these insights, they can then develop targeted marketing campaigns, personalize communication with prospective customers, and prioritize leads that demonstrate a high level of intent to purchase.

Web3 developers can use intent data in various ways to enhance user experiences (UX) and optimize their decentralized applications (dApps). This includes creating personalized user interfaces, targeted notifications, alerts, and advertising and optimizing content discovery.

Developers can also use intent data to inform the functionality they code into smart contracts, as it can help to anticipate future user behavior or transactions. This can create more user-centric and responsive dApps, driving engagement and adoption within the blockchain ecosystem.

First-Party Intent Data vs. Third-Party Intent Data

There are two main categories of intent data: first-party and third-party.

First-party intent data is collected directly from a company’s own interactions with its audience, such as visits to its website visits, form submissions, or email interaction.

Third-party intent data is obtained from external sources, such as data providers or publishers, and may include information about broader industry trends or competitor activities.

Types of Intent Data

Types of Intent Data

Intent data can also be classified based on the level of intent it signifies, with each type offering unique insights into user behavior and preferences:

High intent data
Indicates a strong likelihood of a prospective customer taking a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. High intent data is often derived from actions that indicate immediate interest or intent, such as a user adding items to a shopping cart, filling out a contact form, or requesting a demo.

Low intent data
Suggests a more general interest or curiosity without immediate action, such as browsing a website without interacting with specific products or services, scrolling through social media feeds without engaging with posts, or conducting broad keyword searches. While this may not indicate immediate conversion opportunities, it provides insights into overall audience trends.

Implicit intent data
Inferred from user behavior, interactions, or context rather than direct actions – for instance, the length of time a user spends on a website or patterns in navigation behavior. This type of data may be less straightforward to interpret.
Explicit intent data
Directly expressed by the user through actions, statements, or preferences, such as search queries, form submissions, survey responses, or feedback provided by users. This provides clear indicators of user interests.
Behavioral intent data
Analyzes patterns and trends in user behavior, such as repeat visits to specific pages, interactions with content, or engagement with marketing campaigns to understand underlying intentions.
Contextual intent data
Takes into account the context surrounding user interactions such as location, device type, time of day, or referral source to discern intent. By understanding the context in which users engage with content or services, businesses can deliver more relevant and timely experiences.

Sources of Intent Data

Website analytics
Web analytics platforms such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics provide insights into user behavior on websites, including page views, session duration, bounce rate, and conversion funnels.

Social media monitoring
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer opportunities to monitor user conversations, mentions, hashtags, and engagement metrics.

Search engine queries
Search engine data from platforms like Google, Bing, and Yahoo provides insights into user intent based on search queries.
Email engagement metrics
Email marketing platforms track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates, offering insights into user engagement and intent.
CRM and marketing automation platforms
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and marketing automation platforms store data about leads and prospects, including contact information, past interactions, and engagement history.
Third-party data providers
Data providers specialize in aggregating and selling intent data collected from various sources, including website visits, social media activity, purchase history, and offline interactions.
Surveys and feedback forms
Customer satisfaction surveys and other types of feedback provide direct insights into user preferences, needs, and intentions.
Content consumption patterns
Analyzing patterns in content consumption, such as blog post views, video watch time, or eBook downloads, can offer insights into user interests and preferences.
Offline interactions
Phone calls, events, in-store visits, and other physical interactions with a product or service can also offer opportunities to understand customer needs, preferences, and purchase intent.
Behavioral tracking technologies
Cookies, pixels, and browser fingerprinting mechanisms track user behavior across websites and devices.

5 Key Considerations When Choosing Intent Data

There are several considerations to keep in mind when selecting intent data:

Relevance and accuracyCompliance and privacyDepth of insightsCompatibility and integrationCost-effectiveness

Ensure that the intent data you use is relevant to your target audience and aligns with your business objectives. Evaluate the accuracy of the data by examining its source, methodology, and validation processes. High-quality intent data should provide actionable insights that help drive meaningful outcomes.

Prioritize intent data sources that adhere to data privacy regulations and industry standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and PECR. Protecting user privacy and maintaining compliance safeguards your reputation and reduces the risk of legal and regulatory issues related to data governance.

Assess the depth and granularity of insights the intent data provides. Look for data that goes beyond surface-level metrics and offers detailed information about user behavior, preferences, and intent signals.

Consider the intent data’s compatibility with your existing systems, tools, and processes. Choose data sources that integrate with your CRM, marketing automation platform, analytics tools, and other relevant systems.

Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the intent data based on your budget and expected return on investment (ROI).

Intent Data Examples

To illustrate how intent data can be applied in real-world scenarios, consider these examples:

  • A Web3 developer harnesses intent data insights to introduce elements of gamification and rewards programs into their app to incentivize user engagement and loyalty. By analyzing user activity, achievements, and progress, the dApp offers interactive challenges, quests, and competitions that resonate with users’ interests and preferences. For example, the platform may introduce non-fungible token (NFT)-based collectibles, badges, or leaderboards to reward users for participating in community events, completing tasks, or contributing valuable content.
  • A software company analyzes website visitors’ behavior to identify prospective customers who have repeatedly visited its product pages and downloaded whitepapers, indicating a strong interest in its offerings.
  • A B2B marketer monitors social media conversations to identify companies expressing dissatisfaction with their current suppliers, signaling a potential opportunity to offer alternative solutions.

Intent Data Pros and Cons

Like any marketing tool, intent data has its advantages and limitations.


  • Improved targeting and personalization
  • Higher conversion rates and ROI
  • Better alignment between sales and marketing teams


  • Data accuracy and reliability issues
  • Privacy concerns and regulatory compliance
  • Over-reliance on data leads to missed opportunities or misinterpretation

The Bottom Line

Understanding audience intentions is essential for driving meaningful engagement and conversions. Intent data provides useful insights that can help businesses and app developers identify and prioritize their most promising leads, tailor their messaging to individual preferences, and, ultimately, maximize their marketing and sales efforts.


What is intent data in simple terms?

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Nicole Willing
Technology Journalist
Nicole Willing
Technology Journalist

Nicole is a professional journalist with 20 years of experience in writing and editing. Her expertise spans both the tech and financial industries. She has developed expertise in covering commodity, equity, and cryptocurrency markets, as well as the latest trends across the technology sector, from semiconductors to electric vehicles. She holds a degree in Journalism from City University, London. Having embraced the digital nomad lifestyle, she can usually be found on the beach brushing sand out of her keyboard in between snorkeling trips.