International Committee for Information Technology Standards

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What Does International Committee for Information Technology Standards Mean?

The International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) is a forum that creates and manages standards in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). INCITS develops standards and products in data storage, processing, transfer, display, management an retrieval. It is pronounced as “insights” and was founded in 1960.


INCITS was previously known as the Accredited Standards Committee and the National Committee for Information Technology Standards (NCITS).

Techopedia Explains International Committee for Information Technology Standards

INCITS is accredited, managed and based on the rules and regulations of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It is funded and sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Among the popular standards conceived by INCITS is the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), fiber channel networking and the Advanced Technology Attachment.

The working committee of INCITS span across a wide range of technology domains, including security, programming languages, databases, storage, information services, IT governance and IT sustainability.


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Margaret Rouse
Technology Expert
Margaret Rouse
Technology Expert

Margaret é uma premiada redatora e professora conhecida por sua habilidade de explicar assuntos técnicos complexos para um público empresarial não técnico. Nos últimos vinte anos, suas definições de TI foram publicadas pela Que em uma enciclopédia de termos tecnológicos e citadas em artigos do New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, ZDNet, PC Magazine e Discovery Magazine. Ela ingressou na Techopedia em 2011. A ideia de Margaret de um dia divertido é ajudar os profissionais de TI e de negócios a aprenderem a falar os idiomas altamente especializados uns dos outros.