Longevity Testing

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What Does Longevity Testing Mean?

Longevity testing is an operational testing scheme that uses a baseline work efficiency specification to evaluate large enterprise application and hardware performance. Longevity testing is applied for error checking or heavy usage after a live operational period and is contingent on complexity and size.


Longevity testing is also known as load testing, endurance testing and soak testing.

Techopedia Explains Longevity Testing

Longevity testing is applied to large enterprise software applications requiring consistently sound performance and reliability, like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or other tools for industrial automation. Organizations that develop large solutions undergo rigorous endurance testing within one year of implementation to avert problematic enterprise-wide consequences. Longevity testing examines software from micro and macro perspectives. Software is first tested for erupted anomalies that are either within a designated time frame or the result of excess usage across different software modules. Next, the following testing mechanisms are applied in steps to ensure sound system performance and reliability:

  • Quiescent testing: System remains idle for a specific period.
  • Soak testing: System is gauged under heavy loads for a longer period.
  • Usage testing: System is examined in an operational state over an extended period.

Because licensed third-party partnerships are an industry norm, all software applications are subject to measured testing and scrutiny. Eventually, joint ventures expire or tend to function incorrectly, even if primary software applications are validly licensed for commercial use.


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Margaret Rouse
Technology Expert
Margaret Rouse
Technology Expert

Margaret é uma premiada redatora e professora conhecida por sua habilidade de explicar assuntos técnicos complexos para um público empresarial não técnico. Nos últimos vinte anos, suas definições de TI foram publicadas pela Que em uma enciclopédia de termos tecnológicos e citadas em artigos do New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, ZDNet, PC Magazine e Discovery Magazine. Ela ingressou na Techopedia em 2011. A ideia de Margaret de um dia divertido é ajudar os profissionais de TI e de negócios a aprenderem a falar os idiomas altamente especializados uns dos outros.